We were absolutely buzzing to have had Jan Hammered contribute a 1hr mix to our monthly radio show on Reform Radio this month. We’re even more buzzing to hear that the London-based DJ has a second and maybe even a third instalment on the way. Watch this space! Ian Williams, aka Jan Hammered, has been […]
Yet Another Interview

Yet Another Music Blog Speaks to: Guillaume Des Bois
Ahead of our first party this Saturday (22.07.2017) we fired a few questions at Guillaume Des Bois, who will be playing for us on the night. He was also kind enough to put a mix together for us. Get stuck in and see you down the front on Saturday! Hey Guillaume! Thanks for taking some […]

Yet Another Music Blog Speaks to: Kito Jempere
We’ve been a bit quiet on the interview front of late, but we’re absolutely made up that we managed to throw a few questions in the direction of one of St. Petersburg’s most exciting talents of the moment, Kito Jempere. Kito (real name Kirill Sergeev) has been busy over the past few years, releasing on […]

An Introduction to Northern Soul with Levanna McLean
Levanna Mclean, aka Northern Soul Girl, has taken the internet by storm in recent months after posting clips of herself dancing to her beloved Northern Soul music in the streets of her hometown of Bristol and further afield. Levanna is part of a new generation of Northern Soul fans that’s keeping the scene very much […]

Yet Another Music Blog Speaks to: Ali Renault & Tommy Walker III – Vivod
For those of you who are not familiar Ali Renault is an electronic artist from North West England who co-founded Human Shield & Cyber Dance Records. He has also recorded for Moustache, Andy Blake’s Dissident & Zone, and as Cestrian (or Cestrian Robot) for MNX, Bunker & SOM. He is one half of synth pop […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: Soft Rocks
We recently put some questions to Brighton-based DJ/producer/label owner collective, Soft Rocks (well actually, one quarter of the outfit, Chris Galloway). Between them, Soft Rocks have been incredibly busy over the last decade or so, putting out a steady stream of records, running various labels and DJing in pretty much every corner of the globe. […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: Red Axes
We’ve had Tel Aviv-based duo, Red Axes (AKA Dori Sadovnik and Niv Arzi) on our radar for a while now, and it’s pretty hard not to take notice, given their string of consistently solid tracks over the last year or so. Huge hitters, such as ‘Silver Bed’, ‘Caminho De Dreyfus’ and their remix of ‘Margot’s […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: Mari Kvien Brunvoll
If you listened to the Ricoshëi mixes we posted a couple of weeks back, you’ll undoubtedly remember the Ricardo Villalobos remix of Mari Kvien Brunvoll’s ‘Everywhere You Go’. It’s epic. After hearing it for the first time I instantly fell in love with that hypnotic voice, as I’m sure many people have done before me! […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: KZA
So, we’ve been really looking forward to this one for a while. We managed to track down Japanese edit king, Ikuzumi Kitazawa aka ‘KZA’, to answer a couple of questions about his new album, where he started his musical career and what he’s got planned for the future. To get you in the mood, here […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: XY-Me
Next up in the ‘Yet Another Music Blog speaks to…’ series, we’re pleased to introduce London-based DJ/producer John-Paul Denton, aka XY-Me. John-Paul has worked alongside some of the biggest names in the business and after hearing a forthcoming release under his XY-Me moniker on Days of Being Wild, I had to find out more. Enjoy! […]

5 Tracks Doing It For You Right Now: James Friedman
Coming up shortly on YAMB, we’ll be speaking to Throne of Blood Records head honcho, James Friedman. James is an incredible DJ (I suggest you check out this mix right now) and is a key fixture of NYC’s underground electronic music scene. We’ll be delving deeper to find out more about James and the label, […]

YAMB & R$N speak to: James Holden
I recently teamed up with the very fine chaps at The Ransom Note and we were lucky enough to get a preview of James Holden’s forthcoming album, The Inheritors. The album’s been a long time coming and I’ve been ridiculously excited about listening to it. It didn’t disappoint. Here’s a taster: We caught up with […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: Mugwump
If you haven’t heard of Mugwump, the chances are you’ve heard their music. In fact, it’s almost a dead cert that you’ll recognise some of their back catalogue. The Belgian duo (Geoffroy and Kolombo) have DJ’d across much of Europe since the mid-nineties and have been releasing their own genre-bending music for the best part […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: Daniel Avery
Next up in the Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: series, we’re pleased to introduce one of the hottest talents in electronic music at the moment. He’s released a string of huge records over the past year or so, that Mr. Weatherall himself features regularly in his peak time sets and refers to as “gimmick-free […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: Craig Bratley
For the second instalment of ‘Yet Another Music Blog speaks to….’, we’re proud to present DJ, producer, label owner and absolute gent, Craig Bratley. Craig first came to our attention when ‘Birdshell’ rocked dance floors up and down the country for the best part of last year. Mr. Weatherall championed the record, featuring it in […]

Yet Another Music Blog speaks to: The Revenge
Glasgow’s Graeme Clarke, aka The Revenge, has been a staple in my record collection, in one form or another, for many years now. With a solid back catalogue of productions and remixes, along with a reputation for killer deep, dark and twisted DJ sets, we thought The Revenge would be the perfect man to kick […]